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Adults Children Infants
12 years and younger 3 years and younger
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Our commitment

For years we have been actively committed to protecting the environment and to a sustainable management of our hotels.
With the new #StayPlasticLess initiative, our hotels are adopting virtuous behaviors to reduce the use of disposable plastic and the production of waste.


Your help

Do you want to be part of this important project to protect our seas?
Book through the Best Western channels and stay in our hotels in Italy from 8 June to 30 September, you will thus contribute to the purchase of 4 Seabin of LifeGate PlasticLess® that will be placed in 4 Italian harbors for the collection of plastics and microplastics

Thanks to your stays in Best Western hotels, you will contribute to gathering from our seas:




We are actively working on selecting the harbors to place 4 Seabins by the end of October 2019.



What is a LifeGate's Seabin?

LifeGate's Seabin is a waste collection bin that floats in surface water, capable of capturing about 1.5 kg of debris per day, that is over 500 kg of waste per year, including microplastics from 5 to 2 mm in diameter and 0.3 mm microfibres. 

This device can also capture many common wastes that end up in the seas like cigarette butts, unfortunately very present in our waters too.

